What Happened to the Original Actress on Vexed

Yous may take missed detective comedy testify Vexed when information technology briefly appeared on BBC Two back in 2010 (for a beggarly 3 weeks), but that'southward okay, because co-ordinate to its star Toby Stephens the imminent second serial is all about "starting again".

Speaking to Digital Spy, the former James Bond actor talked freely about his new co-star Miranda Raison, her predecessor from the "slightly puzzling" first serial Lucy Dial, and his thoughts on a role in Downton Abbey.

Sleeve, Interaction, Jacket, Street fashion, Flash photography, Romance, Love, Honeymoon, Brown hair, Long hair,

Eleventh Hr Films/Jonathan Hession

So how take your character DI Jack Armstrong and Vexed itself inverse for serial 2?
"The chief thing is that I've got a new partner, Georgina, in Miranda Raison and that does change the dynamic quite a lot. It's a new chemical science betwixt the two of u.s.a.. In the first serial information technology was nifty working with Lucy, but [the characters] were real opposites. You felt in that location was never e'er going to be any existent compromise between the two of them. I think there was only and so far yous could've gone with the original setup.

"I feel this gives much more potential to develop the characters and evidence the different sides of them. That is the main thing. Also, the starting time serial was only three episodes. It was really hard to introduce what is a very unusual course for British Television receiver... cramming this thing into iii episodes. [What series two] allows is much more of a ho-hum burn. Information technology allows it to kind of ease the audience into their globe. And so to slowly ramp upwardly the comedy of it."

Does serial one most experience like a trial run now and so?
"Yes, it sort of does, although I actually loved doing it. I had an enormous amount of fun. I certainly don't want to disown it because it was actually neat. Nosotros take been able to pick upwardly on the weaknesses of the first three episodes and said we can practice this a flake better or we can do that a bit better, and I think we've done that.

"Nosotros've really tightened it upwardly and made information technology consistent. [Series ane was] slightly inconsistent. In that location were really funny bits and then there were slightly puzzling bits. Whereas with the 6 episodes information technology's all kind of seamless."

Stemware, Glass, Wine glass, Drinkware, Barware, Drink, Tableware, Alcoholic beverage, Alcohol, Red wine,

Eleventh 60 minutes Films/Jonathan Hession

Were you sort of surprised to get a second series of Vexed?
"I think the BBC loved the format. I think they liked the idea of a show that subverts police drama. For various reasons [serial two] got delayed slightly. By the time [the BBC] said, 'OK nosotros practise want to pick this up', Lucy had got another job. Then they had to move with it and I think that that shows that they really did want to do it. They were actually willing to recast.

"Information technology was quite a long process, recasting somebody, because information technology was like, 'We wanna get the right person, nosotros wanna get the chemistry right'. We went through a lot of people earlier nosotros decided on Miranda. We really got lucky with her."

That must feel huge to know the BBC have that kind of faith in the testify.
"Aye information technology is. I was really thrilled because I had an enormous amount of fun making the first series. I'm non done with this and I'm certainly not done with Jack. For me information technology was great to get more of a crack at it because I felt there was much more than to exist got out of him. I still feel there's more. I really hope that we go another series, because I just recollect it's a smashing format."

Jacket, Bottle, Leather jacket, Conversation, Leather, Games, Indoor games and sports, Gambling, Water bottle,

Eleventh 60 minutes Films/Jonathan Hession

Exercise you think Vexed fans will take to Miranda like they did with Lucy?
"I retrieve they will. I recall what'due south great well-nigh Miranda's character is that both her and Jack on their own are useless, merely together they really make kind of a proficient team. She starts taking on some of Jack's attitude, and he starts taking on some of her. They are constantly surprising i another.

"In that location is a slight romantic feeling now. The audience should want them to get together. Yous kinda call up, 'Come on, why can't y'all see?' But they would be horrified at the idea. So in that location's that kind of 'Will they won't they?' dynamic going on."

Do you think Jack and Georgina will get together?
"That's the end of the [bear witness]. You want it constantly to be there, but information technology's a dynamic that has to piece of work for the serial to continue. If [a romance] happens, then you kind of ruin it. You sabotage it. But at that place definitely needs to exist that kind of chemical science I think."

Which aspect of Vexed practice you similar most? Practice you prefer the mystery side of it or do y'all similar getting into the characters?
"The mysteries are well-nigh secondary to [the characters'] lives and how they relate to each other. The plots are secondary to what they are. Yous just want to create a dynamic. You want an audience to hang out with these people a bit and enjoy their visitor."

Face, Nose, Mouth, Shelf, Service, Conversation, Shelving, Bookcase, Sock, Box,

Eleventh Hour Films/Jonathan Hession

You're obviously very taken with your graphic symbol. How practice you think you would cope if you were in Lucy's position and saw someone else play a role that was yours?
"I think what would've been awful is if they'd gone to Lucy, 'We're merely going to practise a Doctor Who with this. In that location's someone else playing your part'. I remember that would've been really difficult. Too I think it would've been really hard for Miranda, because what Lucy brings is so unique and fantastic.

"Whereas they've created a totally new graphic symbol and a totally new relationship. For Miranda it makes it a lot easier and for the audition information technology makes it a lot easier. This is almost like starting once more. You could start watching this and not have seen the commencement serial, and you'd know exactly where you were."

Y'all were likewise in the BBC production of Jane Eyre. It seems completely different to the rest of your Television and film work, did you detect it challenging at all?

"The original book is a masterpiece and it's very personal to a lot of people. Many women sort of agree it dear. I was very lucky because I recall nosotros managed to do it service and I managed to play Rochester in a style that almost of the people who were fans of the book liked. I wouldn't want to p*ss them off, there'south a huge amount of them.

"Those sort of things are very gratifying to exercise. I remember they are slightly overdone - they come upwards with corking regularity and they can be slightly formulaic. Prior to doing Jane Eyre, they had been on a slide. There hadn't been whatsoever adaptations that had really fabricated a marking, they were only sort of churning them out. I think Jane Eyre was successful because it fabricated the characters very existent.

"I remember when they do pause the mould and create a world that people find interesting and real, that's when they work. I call up when they become only another generic period piece, it'south a bit boring."

Would you be up for going back into menstruum drama in something similar Downton Abbey?
"I feel really happy doing the sort of stuff that I'thou doing. I think I was too much related to the period piece. I'thousand glad to not exist doing that at the moment. There may be something in the futurity where I'thou sent something and I retrieve, 'Wow, I accept to do this, it'southward beautifully written'. Simply at the moment I'1000 happy not to be doing that.

"I've had some really great experiences in the last year. Doing comedy, doing serious stuff, doing sci-fi. I'm mixing it up and I like to keep information technology that style. It's much more than fulfilling."

Vexed airs tonight (August 1) at 9pm on BBC Ii.

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Source: https://www.digitalspy.com/tv/a393718/toby-stephens-vexed-qa-series-two-is-about-having-another-crack/

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